Our range of services ensures you have full support throughout the entire publishing process

ISBN Registration

An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique number that is assigned to your book for identification purposes, allowing your book to be catalogued and sold commercially.

Manuscript Appraisal

A manuscript appraisal is an objective assessment of the quality and marketability of your book. The appraisal process is an opportunity for you to receive in-depth feedback on your manuscript to ensure your story caters to the expectations of your intended target audience, and make any changes based on that feedback before you go ahead with publishing.

Editing Services

No matter how many times you have read through your manuscript, a trained editor will be able to pick up errors that have been missed during your drafting stages. To ensure your final book is as polished as possible, we always suggest a professional edit before publishing.


Whether you have an exact idea of how you want your illustrations to look, or if you are still unsure, our team will be able to offer their advice and assistance. With a range of artwork styles to choose from, such as digital art, pen and ink, and watercolour, we will pair you up with the perfect artist for you.

Book Formatting/Internal Design

Once your manuscript is edited and finalised, our design team will export the text from the manuscript file and format it into a print-ready design file. During this process, your designer will set up the pages to your final trim size, set fonts types and sizes, insert page numbers and page headers, place any images, and add extra design elements as required.

Book Printing

We all know that books come in all different shapes and sizes. But not too many people think about paper types and thicknesses, coated and uncoated stock, celloglaze finishes, and extra treatments like UV spot gloss. Hardcover, saddle-stitched, perfect bound and spiral bound options are all available and printed on site.

Digital and Distribution

eBook and Print on Demand services account set up. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform allows self-published authors to reach an international audience while still retaining the control and rights to their book and sales.

Our bookstore distribution services are exclusively for authors who have published through us. The aim of our bookstore is to give our InHouse authors another avenue to sell their books, to help support them and their work.

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